I was due to be completely home alone for 4 days, pressure was being put on me to decamp to my parents for a week.  Thing is I know I’m a stubborn so and so but wanted to prove to myself I could do it. First few days were fine, I had taken the week out from doing any work, so I wasn’t under any pressure from being ready at a certain time or indeed hair and makeup done for video calls, which as far as I’m concerned is comparable to appearing on TV!


It was the Euro semi-finals, I had made myself a coffee and bowl of fresh fruit, with my rollator loaded with said snacks I made my way from kitchen to living room.   As I happily traversed past my dining table my legs kinda said ‘hey we are not going anywhere’ and duly gave way as if they had turned into jelly.  I am there sitting on the floor thinking, ok I need a strategy, no one has a spare door key that’s in the country. The front door is doubled locked, all my back glass doors are locked so I decided to think about it and happily had a picnic on the floor, I mean who wastes a frothy coffee.


Now it may sound as if I’m being irresponsibly flippant but if there is anything I have learnt since having MS its not to catastrophise. I knew I had been over doing it earlier and needed to rest as much as I needed to think of my way out of the situation.  My first attempts were to utilise a dining chair and the table to pull myself up, trouble was my legs were still not cooperating, rather like one of my daughters when they were stroppy teenagers being told to tidy their room. After several failed attempts I then had to reset and carry on with my picnic.


After I had consumed my picnic, I thought of a film I had watched with Melissa McCarthy where her character was obsessed with Tom Cruise and would say ‘what would Tom do?’ That was it, I rolled onto my belly, positioned my rollator in front of my head and used my arms to propel myself Mission Impossible style to the lowest chair in my living room.  All the while I’m head butting my rollator to get to said chair as well, otherwise I might get up but then wouldn’t be able to get anywhere.  And yes I was humming the Mission Impossible tune..


I got to the armchair, pushed my rollator to the side then using both armrests I dragged myself up followed by a body twist Tom Daley would be proud of.  I did it!  Punched the air turned on the TV in time for kick off.   I was great until I realised this whole process had taken me two hours, safe to say I didn’t move for a while.


Id like to say that since said episode I put in place contingencies to ensure I can be helped. Its me, I didn’t - it took a massive fall from the shower to be covered in bruises (of which I have a picture but Ill spare you the horror) to actually do something sensible. My first port of call was to advise my MS Nurse about the regularity of my latest falls. I now have an occupational therapist and a physiotherapist working with me. I also have an emergency contact who has keys should or rather when Im home alone again.

It’s funny because I accept the fact, I was a bit stupid to think I can retain complete independence with a long-term condition.  It won’t stop me trying to help myself and to always navigate to find the best possible solution.  I guess its like everyday life things can be overwhelming if we allow it to be. Whilst I won’t be abseiling down the Stade de France anytime soon it was funny to attempt to emulate Tom Cruise. No matter what my MS, or Mardie Sparkles as I like to call it, throws in my way I will always attempt to find the reason to smile, I always do.

